Finding grounding in our life can sometimes be a challenge, but as we look to the days, weeks and months ahead the uncertainty that arises can often leave us feeling unsafe, anxious, insecure and out of control.

All of these experiences indicate that our base chakra needs some TLC, to support us in finding more comfort in our being as the ground beneath us shifts. It has been my experience both personally and working with groups and clients for the last 16 years that external changes offer us the opportunity to transform, IF we are willing to do the work.

You might be asking now what do I mean by ‘doing the work?’ What I mean is, that we are willing to open to all that is, to be present to our thoughts, emotions, energy experiences and honestly recognise what is working, and what’s not. When we can be present with all that is we stop running, we stop the numbing addictive behaviours (binge watching TV, emotional eating, obsessive cleaning, being overly busy or controlling to name just a few) that distract us from the moment, we learn to be fully with ourself.

In this video today I offer a little sample of the base chakra quartz crystal bowl. Quartz crystal is said to promote our healing, bringing us back into wholeness and the note of this bowls brings the energy of safety, security and presence.

It’s best listened to with headphones to fully experience the power of the crystal bowl.

My next sound bath will take place under the full moon on Thursday the 28th of January from 7 - 8.15pm, a prefect time to release and let go. There will also be a recording available for 48 hours after the event for everyone registered to attend.