Restorative of yoga is a form of yoga that enables us to move from the doing to the being.

Postures are completed lying down on the earth supported by bolsters (large cylinder shaped pillows), blankets, foam blocks and cushions.

Postures are held for a longer time than in a yoga class that is more yang such as Hatha, Iyengar, Ashtanga or Vinyasa. Each posture is completed for 3-10 minutes with a variety of supports.

Holding the postures with a support offers many benefits to bring us back into balance:

  • This lengthened, supportive holding of postures, allows the body the opportunity to open with the minimal physical effort. Working to release the fascia and connective tissues that often bring a sense of tightness throughout the body.

  • As we hold the postures and quieten the physical body, we become consciously aware of the thoughts that are arising. We witness and recognise their presence. Through this witnessing we become the observer and move from reaction mode.

  • As we witness the arising thoughts we connect with the breath to support us in staying present in the moment. This deepening connection with the breath, the holding support of the posture and the witnessing of the thoughts enables us to activate the parasympathetic nervous system. Enabling us to feel safe, and turning on the relaxation response.

  • It is in this relaxed state that we can begin the process of healing, accessing the chakra (energy) system more easily as the patterns arise from the unconscious to conscious awareness. This enabling us to witness that first step of change.

  • This is a yoga practice of being rather than doing. A practice that supports us in releasing tension, stress and outdated beliefs that have been stuck in our body, mind, emotions and energy system. Restorative yoga works gently on each of these layers and offers us the opportunity to return to our true nature.

    If you would like to experience this powerfully healing yet relaxing class come join our next Restoring Me workshop on October 30th 2019.

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