Have you ever felt that life is hard? Like you’re swimming against the tide, trying to reach something you’ve already passed, or are attempting to hold onto something that is crumbling?

This week I would like to offer a short sample of sounds to soothe our second chakra. Our energy centre of water, emotion, creativity, flow, grace and possibility.

Very often when we are focussed on how things ‘should be’ or we keep facing back to what once was we miss the blessings of the moment, as we are not present, but seeking something different.

Loa Tzu was quoted as saying ‘A Tree That Is Unbending Is Easily Broken’. We too must learn to dance like the trees and flow like the river, strengthening our trust in our own life journey, even if at times that is hard, painful or challenging.

Most of you at this point will know that I have had many challenges with my health over the last 16 years. These challenges have limited my physical capacity to live in this world to varying degrees. When I released the need for things to be a certain way I began to open myself to the possibility of what could be. Just this morning I found myself saying to someone on a call that I don’t think I would be this happy, had I not been so sick.

When we touch the depths of despair that lies within our being, we can then fully appreciate the beauty of grace that exists in contrast.

Today I encourage you to notice if you can make peace with trying to swim upstream? Can you muster the courage to climb into the dinghy of support that is trying to guide you, to trust enough to let go of what you thought would or should be, and open to the possibility that a new horizon is awakening for you?

If you would like to work further with the healing energies of the crystal singing bowls and the energy of the new moon I invite you to join me on Saturday morning for my New Moon Chakra Meditation With Crystal Singing Bowls in which we will work towards setting intentions for an awakened and inspired lunar cycle.